admin commands are: /: Admin home page /certs: print certs on machine /clusters: upstream cluster status /config_dump: dump current Envoy configs (experimental) resource: The resource to dump mask: The mask to apply. When both resource and mask are specified, the mask is applied to every element in the desired repeated field so that only a subset of fields are returned. The mask is parsed as a ProtobufWkt::FieldMask name_regex: Dump only the currently loaded configurations whose names match the specified regex. Can be used with both resource and mask query parameters. include_eds: Dump currently loaded configuration including EDS. See the response definition for more information /contention: dump current Envoy mutex contention stats (if enabled) /cpuprofiler (POST): enable/disable the CPU profiler enable: enables the CPU profiler; One of (y, n) /drain_listeners (POST): drain listeners graceful: When draining listeners, enter a graceful drain period prior to closing listeners. This behaviour and duration is configurable via server options or CLI skip_exit: When draining listeners, do not exit after the drain period. This must be used with graceful inboundonly: Drains all inbound listeners. traffic_direction field in envoy_v3_api_msg_config.listener.v3.Listener is used to determine whether a listener is inbound or outbound. /healthcheck/fail (POST): cause the server to fail health checks /healthcheck/ok (POST): cause the server to pass health checks /heap_dump: dump current Envoy heap (if supported) /heapprofiler (POST): enable/disable the heap profiler enable: enable/disable the heap profiler; One of (y, n) /help: print out list of admin commands /hot_restart_version: print the hot restart compatibility version /init_dump: dump current Envoy init manager information (experimental) mask: The desired component to dump unready targets. The mask is parsed as a ProtobufWkt::FieldMask. For example, get the unready targets of all listeners with /init_dump?mask=listener` /listeners: print listener info format: File format to use; One of (text, json) /logging (POST): query/change logging levels paths: Change multiple logging levels by setting to :,:. level: desired logging level; One of (, trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off) /memory: print current allocation/heap usage /quitquitquit (POST): exit the server /ready: print server state, return 200 if LIVE, otherwise return 503 /reopen_logs (POST): reopen access logs /reset_counters (POST): reset all counters to zero /runtime: print runtime values /runtime_modify (POST): Adds or modifies runtime values as passed in query parameters. To delete a previously added key, use an empty string as the value. Note that deletion only applies to overrides added via this endpoint; values loaded from disk can be modified via override but not deleted. E.g. ?key1=value1&key2=value2... /server_info: print server version/status information /stats: print server stats usedonly: Only include stats that have been written by system since restart filter: Regular expression (Google re2) for filtering stats format: Format to use; One of (html, active-html, text, json) type: Stat types to include.; One of (All, Counters, Histograms, Gauges, TextReadouts) histogram_buckets: Histogram bucket display mode; One of (cumulative, disjoint, detailed, summary) /stats/prometheus: print server stats in prometheus format usedonly: Only include stats that have been written by system since restart text_readouts: Render text_readouts as new gaugues with value 0 (increases Prometheus data size) filter: Regular expression (Google re2) for filtering stats histogram_buckets: Histogram bucket display mode; One of (cumulative, summary) /stats/recentlookups: Show recent stat-name lookups /stats/recentlookups/clear (POST): clear list of stat-name lookups and counter /stats/recentlookups/disable (POST): disable recording of reset stat-name lookup names /stats/recentlookups/enable (POST): enable recording of reset stat-name lookup names